Malherbe International School M

Malherbe International School is a bilingual school located in the Western suburbs of Paris.

Founded in 1990, our school serves the international community. Classes are taught in English by English trained teachers. In addition there are two half days a week in French for Primary students, and weekly sessions of optional French as a Foreign Language lessons for our Pre Primary students. Our Middle School classes offer a truly bilingual education with French language, literature and Humanities lessons and other subjects taught in ENglish by specialist teachers.

Our programme is grounded in principals of child development and learning is centered around the needs, interests and learning styles of individual students. The curriculum followed at MIS incorporates targets set by the English National Curriculum Board. Additionally French pedagogic directives are attained to ensure that when students leave MIS they will have reached the appropriate level of achievement. Our nursery and pre primary (preschool) classes are based on the Montessori approach.

In addition to the curriculum subjects students have music, sports and IT (from age 5). Many of the curriculum subjects are taught through topic work, so that separate subjects can be easily distinguished. The teachers plan a balance of curriculum to ensure efficient time is allocated to each activity to enable a worthwhile learning experience.

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